Thursday 2 October 2014

Ever After High: Madeline Hatter - Legacy Day

A new review for you all! This time it's the Legacy Day version of Madeline Hatter (Daughter of the Mad Hatter).

I'll begin with her box art. She has very beautiful art, and as opposed to a dress or ballgown, she has a very frilly and detailed coat. 

Her hair has been restyled with thick straws to be more accurate with her box art. Her coat is very accurate to her art, and is extremely detailed with layers of fabric and golden print. 

A close up of her outfit. Her coat is definitely a unique part of this doll that really makes her one of the more sought-after dolls of this series. 

Back of the doll. You can see the waviness of her coat from behind. her hair (restyled) also looks very accurate to her art.

Instead of tights, she wears knee high socks that are translucent and lined with dots of gold glitter. 

Her shoes are just as detailed all over.

They match the doll very well and even use teacups in the heel's design. 

To match, she wears a ring with a cup of tea on it.

Her necklace is actually a cravat; purple with a golden accent. 
Her earrings are tiny teapots with gold beads.

A close up of her hat. It is on a black head band and matches her shoes. 

A very nice thing about this doll is her purse. In keeping up with the theme of teapots and the Mad Hatter, this doll's purse is in the form of a tea bag. 

You can see that the purple design is similar to the pattern throughout her coat.

Out of all the dolls in wave two of the Legacy Day line, this doll is definitely my favourite. Out of the three dolls of wave two, Madeline has the most intricately detailed coat, a unique set of accessories and one of the few dolls that is actually very accurate to the box art. I hope they continue to set the standard high for any upcoming legacy day dolls. 

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