Tuesday 14 October 2014

Disney Fairy Tale Designer Doll Collection (Wave 2) - Mulan and Li Shang

Another special review for you all! Continuing on with wave 2 of the couples sets, the most recent to be released in stores is Mulan and Li Shang. 

So far I have been impressed with the dolls themselves, although I feel that some of these dolls were a bit rushed (as you will see later on in this post). For example, Tiana's set is missing rhinestones on her belt (the indentations for the rhinestones are present but empty). 

We'll begin with the doll box with its slip cover. The art for these sets are very beautiful, and I also purchased the limited edition lithographs to display in my room. 

The back of the box. Standard as is all the dolls of this series, it features detailed descriptions of the doll's clothing and accessories.
Note: This is were the single flaw of this doll set lies. Upon reading the description, I noticed a typo.
"Beautiful lotus flower elegantly adorns her long black."

The sentence stops at "black" to which I assume they meant to put "black hair". A bit disappointing, but not a big loss.

The set without its slip cover. The dolls stand in a standard designer doll display box, with name plate and plastic base.
Close up of the name plate. 
Upon closer inspection, you can see right away that the colours of this set were chosen well as everything looks great together and not out of place. Her outfit in contrast to the other dolls' ballgowns is instead an Asian inspired dress with ornate embroidery. The sleeves are very long and reach far beyond the floor. She also has a long purple shawl. Shang's outfit is very standard for his character; his military uniform. His cape is made of velvet and his overall outfit is in shades of black, grey and gold.

A close up of her face. She has a face that is very unique to her character, with light make up and rooted lashes. 

Another view of her face. There is a good amount of product in her hair in order to keep her bangs shaped and swooped correctly.

View of her bangs; shaped. 

She also wears a comb in her hair much like the one seen in her movie. This is a really nice touch that was added to the doll in terms of sentimentality as well as additional detail. The small comb features a lotus design.

Close up of Mulan's outfit. The colours are very beautiful and work well together. 

You can see the embroidery of the top half of her dress. Very detailed, and she even has a ruffled collar and pink sash.

The bottom half of her dress features the same embroidery. Her hands are also visible through the thin fabric of her sleeves.
Close up on the pattern on the most bottom of her dress.

Angled view of her dress.

Her dress is also very long and extends all around the floor of the case. 

Like the other dolls of this series, she wears flats in red to match her dress. 

Side view 1

Side view 2

Shang's face is standard but very unique to his character. Like the other male dolls in this line his hair is sculpted instead of rooted. Personally, I prefer this sculpted look; although it may look cheaper, with male hair being usually short, it is usually harder to style and thus the potential for it to look "bad" is high. 

His hair is sculpted into a low ponytail and tied with a sculpted red tie.

His outfit is quite standard as well. It is simplistic but very notably distinct to his character. The red velvet cape is very soft and a nice touch to his doll.

He also wears black boots with gold accents.

This set's symbol is a fan.

The certificate of authenticity.

Filtered for an easier read: This set is number 1530 of 6000

Overall this set is very beautiful and very accurate from art to doll. The dolls were displayed nicely and I'm glad the doll artists learned from their Rapunzel set last year - placing the male doll in a way that he is sill visible and not hidden behind his princess. 

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