Tuesday 27 October 2015

Disney Limited Edition 17" Jasmine, Aladdin and Jafar

After a long hiatus, I've returned with a spam of reviews that will range from the current pre-order to the designer set.

Starting off the reviews, here's Jasmine.

First a couple of pictures of her in the box.

Out of the box; I thought something was missing, so I gave her a lamp to hold!

 Her dress is dark teal in colour, with pants underneath.
 A close up of her face, she does have a slight shimmer to her face like some of the previous dolls, but it isn't as obvious which is a nice feature.
 A few hidden mickeys decorate her outfit in various places, an example is her headband.
 One of the few dolls that actually wear earrings!
 More hidden mickeys in her necklace
 And a close up of her top; featuring peacock feathers.

 More hidden mickeys on her belt. Her belt does not go all the way around her waist like the aurora doll; it is sewn onto her skirt (a bit off setting, would have been nice to have a complete belt). A nice touch is also the gem on her stomach.
 She has two gold bracelet cuffs on both her arms
 A close up of the pattern on her skirt. Many peacock feathers and gems!
 She has the same shoes as her designer couple doll.
 She also has very long hair; I would say that if undone, it would be longer than the Rapunzel 17" doll.
 My Jasmine is number 1100 of 5000. A nice even number.

 Next is Aladdin! Very accurate to his character! Here he is in box.

 He does have a lower number than Jasmine, being only one of 3500 globally.
 His purple vest is intricately decorated with very detailed embroidery.

 Aladdin comes with a little Abu on his shoulder.
 Close up of his face; he also has a small red hat.
 Aladdin also comes with a sword (like much of the princes do).
 His sword is accurate to the ones used in the movie, and have a few gems on the handle.
 His belt and vest continue the embroidery on his front side.
 Aladdin is number 1249 out of 3500.
Next is Jafar, and he is the first villan doll I have. I've passed on the other ones due to disinterest, but the red box really sold me.
 With an even lower edition number, he is one of only 2500.

 Out of the box he stands tall at 18".
 He comes with a staff with a snake head on top
 The head of the snake is extremely detailed with red gems in its eyes.
 He also comes with a small Iago.
 A nice feature about this doll is the new molded hands. His hands are actually molded to fit his cartoon counterpart.

 His face is done accurately as well.
 The top of his turban has a red feather and gem.
 Jafar is 608 out of 2500.

Overall this dolls are very well detailed. I have been waiting for a Jasmine doll to come out for a while now, because I am a fan of her singing voice (Lea Salonga; who also voiced Mulan).

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