Special review today! Today I received my very first Brass Key doll! She is difficult to find especially with working lights!
Here she is in the box! The box itself is in good condition. Nothing is out of place and the LED lights in her box are still fully functional. This trait is very rare for the Celestial Princess Dolls as the battery is not replaceable.
Here is a close up of her face. She is made completely of porcelain except for her tail which is stuffed. Her eyes are inset and are made of glass~! She also has rooted lashed and painted on facial features. She wears a porcelain starfish in her hair and her hairstyle is curled tight to one side. Her bangs are also styled quite accurately.
A close up of her outfit! The colours are very bright! She has a sort of skirt/dress that she wears with matching cuffs on her arms.
Her tail is long and is flat on the box.
A close up of the front of her box/art.
Like all dolls in the Celestial Princess series, she has a button on her box that, when pressed, will illuminate the inner box via LED lights that replicate twinkling stars.
Here is a video of the lights in action!
The back of her box features all of the other princesses in the Celestial series!
A close up of the main doll will be expanded for each box.
Cinderella, Aurora, Belle...
...Jasmine, and Snow White.
A close up of the blub on the back of the box.
All Brass Key dolls have the signature Brass Key on their right hand.
That's it for this review! I'm so happy to be able to add this doll to my collection! She is a very unique doll; what stood out to me the most are her glass eyes. I definitely recommend trying to find her in box if she's ever available again!